>> For banks
For banks
For today, our company offers several products that can be used to control bank activities. After reviewing these products, even superficially, you can easily compare own work (meaning the existing banks) and the opportunities that our company products can offer to you.
System that allows to effectively manage the bank (adapted only for Ukrainian banks).
Able to work effectively in separately taken branch and on the scale of the whole bank including all its branches and departments.
System allows real-time monitoring of suspicious transactions of bank clients comparing them with official terrorists list provided by the National Bank of Ukraine.
Possibly to implement into any bank automation system.
Electronic documents workflow system allows to work with:
documents of any type
incoming and outgoing correspondence
internal mail
internal forum
System provides a complete replacement of paper documents by electronic.
System allows to calculate and do effective accounting of staff wages.
Main difference of the system is the ability to work in "constructor mode" as well as low cost of implementation and maintenance, therefore we can make a conclusion about high efficiency of its use.
Program is intended to automate the data exchange process about opened and closed accounts in depository database with tax inspection programm complex.
You only just paid 4k-soft products through a system of payment paypal. When paypal confirm with the successful transaction - You will be notified with a letter and a link to intruktsiyamy jump program "4K-Depo"

Program is intended to automate the data exchange process about opened and closed accounts in depository database with tax inspection programm complex.
Программа работает на основе базы данных депозитария под управлением FireBird 1.5, входящей в состав программного обеспечения разработаного ПАТ «Розрахунковий центр з обслуговування договорів на фінансових ринках».
Программа не требует инсталяции и никакой адаптации к каким-либо программам, а только выполнения пакета изменений поставляемого вместе с программой на рабочей базе данных депозитария.
Program works on the basis of depository database running under FireBird 1.5, which is the part of software developed by PJSC "Розрахунковий центр з обслуговування договорів на фінансових ринках".
Program do not require any installation or adaptations to other programs, but just execution of package of changes which comes with the program on the working depository database.
You only just paid 4k-soft products through a system of payment paypal. When paypal confirm with the successful transaction - You will be notified with a letter and a link to intruktsiyamy jump program "4K-Wage"

System allows to calculate and do effective accounting of staff wages.
Main difference of the system is the ability to work in "constructor mode" as well as low cost of implementation and maintenance, therefore we can make a conclusion about high efficiency of its use.
Основные функциональные возможности системы 4К-Зарплата
Main functional features of 4K-Wage system
You only just paid 4k-soft products through a system of payment paypal. When paypal confirm with the successful transaction - You will be notified with a letter and a link to intruktsiyamy jump program "4K-Documentturn"

Electronic documents workflow system allows to work with:
documents of any type
incoming and outgoing correspondence
internal mail
internal forum
System provides a complete replacement of paper documents by electronic.
Зачем автоматизировать документооборот?
Why to automate documents workflow?
You only just paid 4k-soft products through a system of payment paypal. When paypal confirm with the successful transaction - You will be notified with a letter and a link to intruktsiyamy jump program "4K-AntiTerrorist"

System allows real-time monitoring of suspicious transactions of bank clients comparing them with official terrorists list provided by the National Bank of Ukraine.
Possibly to implement into any bank automation system.
Состав продукта 4K-АнтиТеррорист
База данных Sybase SQL Anywhere 12.01
Используется для хранения акульного списка информации о террористах, списка ключевых и игнорируемых слов для поиска, а также для хранения результатов проверок данных.
4K-AntiTerrorist product contents
Sybase SQL Anywhere 12.01 database
Used to store actual list with information about terrorists, list of keywords and ignored words to search for, and also to store results of checks.
You only just paid 4k-soft products through a system of payment paypal. When paypal confirm with the successful transaction - You will be notified with a letter and a link to intruktsiyamy jump program "4K-Bank"

System that allows to effectively manage the bank (adapted only for Ukrainian banks).
Able to work effectively in separately taken branch and on the scale of the whole bank including all its branches and departments.
Система «4К-Банк» - это единственная система управления банком на территории СНГ, которая работает в масштабе реального времени.
Что такое работа в масштабе реального времени? Это возможность работать так, чтобы не было остановки на технические расчеты, которые выполняют все другие комплексы, основным из которых является «закрытие дня». Такая процедура подразумевает получение фиксированного логического набора данных (проводок, счетов и т.д.) для его фиксации и отправки в архив.
"4K-Bank" system is the only bank management system in CIS, which operates in real time.
What does operating in real time mean? This is the opportunity to work so that there was no stop on technical calculations that perform all other complexes, main of which is "day close" calculation. Such procedure meant to receive fixed set of logical data (transactions, accounts, etc.) for its fixing and sending to archive.