>> For businesses
For businesses
For today, our collective is ready to offer several products that can be used to control the different ownership enterprises activities.
Electronic documents workflow system allows to work with:
documents of any type
incoming and outgoing correspondence
internal mail
internal forum
System provides a complete replacement of paper documents by electronic.
System is intended to automate accounting and management of enterprise's contracts.
System is recommended for managers, bookkeepers, lawyers, specialists of contractual departments.
System allows to calculate and do effective accounting of staff wages.
Main difference of the system is the ability to work in "constructor mode" as well as low cost of implementation and maintenance, therefore we can make a conclusion about high efficiency of its use.
You only just paid 4k-soft products through a system of payment paypal. When paypal confirm with the successful transaction - You will be notified with a letter and a link to intruktsiyamy jump program "4K-Wage"

System allows to calculate and do effective accounting of staff wages.
Main difference of the system is the ability to work in "constructor mode" as well as low cost of implementation and maintenance, therefore we can make a conclusion about high efficiency of its use.
Основные функциональные возможности системы 4К-Зарплата
Main functional features of 4K-Wage system
You only just paid 4k-soft products through a system of payment paypal. When paypal confirm with the successful transaction - You will be notified with a letter and a link to intruktsiyamy jump program "4K-Document"

System is intended to automate accounting and management of enterprise's contracts.
System is recommended for managers, bookkeepers, lawyers, specialists of contractual departments.
Ведение учета договоров с использованием системы 4K-Документ позволяет легко и быстро находить нужную информацию о договорах Вашего предприятия, а также предоставляет возможность моментального получения объективных оперативных данных по исполнению договоров (построение аналитических графиков в разрезе любых данных, которые заведены в базу данных). Данная возможность является незаменимой для руководства, поскольку позволяет быстро выбирать из базы данных оперативные данные и исключает субъективную ошибку исполнителей подобных отчетов.
Contracts's accounting using 4K-Document allows to find necessary information about contracts easily and quickly, and also provides instant opportunity to obtain objective data about contracts execution (building of analytical graphs in context of any data that was input into database). This capability is essential for management, because it allows to select operative data from database quickly and eliminates subjective mistake of such reports executor.
You only just paid 4k-soft products through a system of payment paypal. When paypal confirm with the successful transaction - You will be notified with a letter and a link to intruktsiyamy jump program "4K-Documentturn"

Electronic documents workflow system allows to work with:
documents of any type
incoming and outgoing correspondence
internal mail
internal forum
System provides a complete replacement of paper documents by electronic.
Зачем автоматизировать документооборот?
Why to automate documents workflow?